2024 Maine ATV Trail Map Atlas$39.99 – $59.99
Adventure Guide to Maine’s Down East Sunrise Trail$24.99 – $44.99
Quick Jump By Region
Fort Kent, Allagash, Sinclair, Presque Isle, Houlton, Portage, Eagle Lake
- Allagash: Allagash ATV Riders, 1054 Allagash Road, Allagash, ME 04774
- Amity: Backwoods Rough Riders, 37N. Townline Rd., Hodgdon, ME 04730 backwoodsRR@yahoo.com
- Ashland: Ashland ATV Club, PO Box 184, Ashland, ME 04732 AshlandMaineATVClub@gmail.com
- Bancroft: Haynesville Woods Trail Riders ATV Club, 3199 Military Road, Haynesville, ME 04497
- Benedicta: Katahdin Valley Wheelers ATV Club, PO Box 64, Stacyville, ME 04777
- Blaine: Big 13 ATV Club, PO Box 1173, Mars Hill, ME 04758
- Bridgewater: Big 13 ATV Club, PO Box 1173, Mars Hill, ME 04758
- Caribou: Aroostook Valley ATV Club, PO Box 623, Caribou, ME 04736
- Caribou: Caribou Viking Riders ATV Club, PO Box 852, 10 Otter St., Caribou, ME 04736 caribouvikingridersatvclub@gmail.com
- Cary: Backwoods Rough Riders, 37N. Townline Rd., Hodgdon, ME 04730 backwoodsRR@yahoo.com
- Caswell: Borderline ATV Club, 4 Cross Rd., Caswell, ME 04750 borderlineatvclub@gmail.com
- Chapman: Chapman Ridge Runners, PO Box 282, Mapleton, ME 04757
- Crystal: Island Falls Free Wheelers, PO Box 45, 82 Houlton Rd., Island Falls, ME 04747 islandfallsfreewheelers@gmail.com
- Crystal: Katahdin Valley Wheelers ATV Club, PO Box 64, Stacyville, ME 04777
- Cyr Plantation: Van Buren Pine Runners ATV Club, PO Box 346, Van Buren, ME 04785 ThePineRunnersATVClub@gmail.com
- Daigle: Valley ATV Riders, PO Box 192, Fort Kent Mills, ME 04744
- Dyer Brook: Island Falls Free Wheelers, PO Box 45, 82 Houlton Rd., Island Falls, ME 04747 islandfallsfreewheelers@gmail.com
- Eagle Lake: Eagle Lake Trailblazers, PO Box 272, Eagle Lake, ME 04739 eaglelakeatv@gmail.com
- Eagle Lake: Sly Brook Trail Blazers, PO Box 68, Wallagrass, ME 04781
- Easton: Easton ATV Club, 219 Richardson Rd., Easton, Maine 04740
- East Plantation: Big 13 ATV Club, PO Box 1173, Mars Hill, ME 04758
- Fort Fairfield: Fort Frontier ATV Club, PO Box 105, Fort Fairfield, ME 04742
- Fort Kent: Valley ATV Riders, PO Box 192, Fort Kent Mills, ME 04744
- Frenchville: Frenchville ATV Riders, PO Box 421, Frenchville, ME 04745 frenchvilleatvclub@gmail.com
- Glenwood: Haynesville Woods Trail Riders ATV Club, 3199 Military Road, Haynesville, ME 04497
- Grand Isle: Grand Isle ATV Club, PO Box 37, Grand Isle, ME 04746 Grandisleatvclub@yahoo.com
- Hamlin: Borderline ATV Club, 4 Cross Rd., Caswell, ME 04750 borderlineatvclub@gmail.com
- Hamlin: Van Buren Pine Runners ATV Club, PO Box 346, Van Buren, ME 04785 ThePineRunnersATVClub@gmail.com
- Haynesville: Haynesville Woods Trail Riders ATV Club, 3199 Military Road, Haynesville, ME 04497
- Hersey: Island Falls Free Wheelers, PO Box 45, 82 Houlton Rd., Island Falls, ME 04747 islandfallsfreewheelers@gmail.com
- Hodgdon: Backwoods Rough Riders, 37N. Townline Rd., Hodgdon, ME 04730 backwoodsRR@yahoo.com
- Houlton: Aroostook Riders ATV Club, PO Box 1224, Houlton, ME 04730 aroostookridersatv@gmail.com
- Island Falls: Island Falls Free Wheelers, PO Box 45, 82 Houlton Rd., Island Falls, ME 04747 islandfallsfreewheelers@gmail.com
- Limestone: Limestone Trail Hawks, PO Box 48, Limestone, ME 04750 limestonetrailhawks@yahoo.com
- Linneus: Backwoods Rough Riders, 37N. Townline Rd., Hodgdon, ME 04730 backwoodsRR@yahoo.com
- Madawaska: Madawaska Valley ATVenture, PO Box 265, Madawaska, ME 04756 madatvclub@yahoo.com
- Mapleton: Mapleton ATV Club, 1067 Mapleton Road, Mapleton, ME 04757 membership@mapletonatv.club
- Mars Hill: Big 13 ATV Club, PO Box 1173, Mars Hill, ME 04758
- Masardis: Masardis ATV Club, PO Box 635, 26B School St., Masardis, ME 04732
- New Canada: Sly Brook Trail Blazers, PO Box 68, Wallagrass, ME 04781
- Oakfield: Knowles Corner ATV Club, PO Box 244, Oakfield, ME 04763 lodge@katahdinlodge.com
- Orient: Backwoods Rough Riders, 37N. Townline Rd., Hodgdon, ME 04730 backwoodsRR@yahoo.com
- Orient: Haynesville Woods Trail Riders ATV Club, 3199 Military Road, Haynesville, ME 04497
- Portage Lake: Portage Lakers ATV Club, PO Box 145, Portage Lake, ME 04768 portagelakersatvclub@gmail.com
- Presque Isle: Star City ATV Club, PO Box 1533, Presque Isle, ME 04769
- Robinson: Big 13 ATV Club, PO Box 1173, Mars Hill, ME 04758
- Sherman: Katahdin Valley Wheelers ATV Club, PO Box 64, Stacyville, ME 04777
- Silver Ridge: Katahdin Valley Wheelers ATV Club, PO Box 64, Stacyville, ME 04777
- Sinclair: Sinclair ATV Club, PO Box 95, Sinclair, ME 04779 sinclairatvclub@gmail.com
- Stacyville: Katahdin Valley Wheelers ATV Club, PO Box 64, Stacyville, ME 04777
- St. Agatha: St. Agatha ATV Club, PO Box 254, St. Agatha, ME 04772 stagathaatvclub@gmail.com
- St. Francis: Northern Ridge Runners, PO Box 22, 486 Main Street, St. Francis, ME 04774
- St. John: Northern Ridge Runners, PO Box 22, 486 Main Street, St. Francis, ME 04774
- Van Buren: Van Buren Pine Runners ATV Club, PO Box 346, Van Buren, ME 04785 ThePineRunnersATVClub@gmail.com
- Wallagrass: Northern Ridge Runners, PO Box 22, 486 Main Street, St. Francis, ME 04774
- Wallagrass: Sly Brook Trail Blazers, PO Box 68, Wallagrass, ME 04781
- Washburn: Washburn Beavers ATV Club, PO Box 131, Washburn, ME 04786
- Weston: Haynesville Woods Trail Riders ATV Club, 3199 Military Road, Haynesville, ME 04497
Moosehead Lake Region, Greenville, Katahdin Region, Millinocket, Rockwood, Lincoln, Bangor
- Abbot: Abbot Explorers, PO Box 168, Abbot, ME 04406 abbotexplorersatv@gmail.com
- Bowerbank: Last Frontier Riders ATV Club, PO Box 565, Sebec, ME 04481
- Bradford: Penobscot Ridge Riders ATV Club, 73 Gravy Ln., Bradford, ME 04410
- Brownville: K.I. Riders ATV Club, 67 Railroad Ave., Brownville, ME 04414 secretarykiriders@gmail.com
- Burlington: Burlington Back Country Riders, Burlington, ME
- Carmel: Central Maine ATV Trail Connectors, PO Box 201, Hampden, ME 04444 Contact@cmatvtc.com
- Charleston: Charleston Bull Hill Trail Riders, PO Box 31, Charleston, ME 04422 BullHillTrailRiders@Gmail.com
- Corinna: Central Maine Trail Blazers, PO Box 403, Corinna, ME 04928
- Corinth: Corinth ATV Club, East Corinth, ME
- Dexter: Dexter Rail Riders, PO Box 61, Dexter, ME 04930 dexterrailriders@gmail.com
- Dixmont: Central Maine ATV Trail Connectors, PO Box 201, Hampden, ME 04444 Contact@cmatvtc.com
- Dover-Foxcroft: Dover Rovers ATV Club, PO Box 534, Dover-Foxcroft, ME 04426 ta1ro2br3@yahoo.com
- Eddington: Airline ATV Riders, PO Box 14, Comins Hall, 1387 Main Rd., Eddington, ME 04428 airlineatvriders@yahoo.com
- Etna: Central Maine ATV Trail Connectors, PO Box 201, Hampden, ME 04444 Contact@cmatvtc.com
- Exeter: Exeter Explorers, PO Box 64, Exeter, ME 04435 ExeterExplorers@gmail.com
- Garland: Garland Trail Hawks ATV Club, PO Box 25, Garland, ME 04939 trailhawksvice@gmail.com
- Greenfield: Rocky Mountain Trail Riders, PO Box 183, Bradley, ME 04411 Clubhouse: 143 Cross Rd., Greenfield TWP, ME 04418 info@RMTRmaine.org
- Greenville: Moosehead ATV Riders, Greenville Jct., Maine 04441
- Guilford: Abbot Explorers, PO Box 168, Abbot, ME 04406 abbotexplorersatv@gmail.com
- Hampden: Central Maine ATV Trail Connectors, PO Box 201, Hampden, ME 04444 Contact@cmatvtc.com
- Howland: Seboeis Stream ATV Club, PO Box 214, Howland, ME 04448-0214
- Kokadjo: Northern Lights ATV Club, PO Box 336, Greenville, ME 04441
- Lee: Mt. Jefferson Backcountry Riders, Lee, ME
- Lincoln: Penobscot Off Road Riders, PO Box 745, 35 Osgood Ave., Lincoln, ME 04457 penobscotoffroadriders@gmail.com
- Mattawamkeag: Two Rivers ATV Club, PO Box 65, Mattawamkeag, ME 04459 TwoRiversATV@gmail.com
- Medway: East Branch Sno-Rovers & ATV Club, PO Box 296, 6 Clubhouse Drive, Medway, ME 04460 Eastbranchsnoroversatv@gmail.com
- Millinocket: Northern Timber Cruisers, PO Box 269, Millinocket, Maine 04462
- Monson: Abbot Explorers, PO Box 168, Abbot, ME 04406 abbotexplorersatv@gmail.com
- Mt Chase: Shin Pond Trail Riders, 1489 Shin Pond Rd., Mt. Chase, ME 04765 blaine@shinpond.com
- Newburgh: Central Maine ATV Trail Connectors, PO Box 201, Hampden, ME 04444 Contact@cmatvtc.com
- Newport: Central Maine ATV Trail Connectors, PO Box 201, Hampden, ME 04444 Contact@cmatvtc.com
- Parkman: Parkman Prowlers, 771 State Hwy. 150, Parkman, ME 04443
- Patten: Patten ATV Club, PO Box 105, Patten, ME 04765 trails@pattenatvclub.org
- Rockwood: Rockwood Blue Ridge Riders ATV Club, PO Box 385, Rockwood, ME 04478
- Sebec: Last Frontier Riders ATV Club, PO Box 565, Sebec, ME 04481
- Wellington: Wellington Wheelers ATV Club, Wellington, ME wellingtonwheelersatv@gmail.com
- West Enfield: Cold Stream Cruzers, PO Box 433, West Enfield, ME 04493 coldstreamcruzers@gmail.com
- Winn: Dwinal Pond 4-Season Club, PO Box 114, Winn, ME 04736 dp4sclub@gmail.com
Grand Lake Stream, Danforth, Calais, Machias, Cherryfield, Ellsworth
- Alexander: Breakneck Mountain ATV Riders, Cooper Rd., Alexander, ME lovelakerox@gmail.com
- Baileyville: St. Croix Trailriders, Rt. 2 Box 152-B, Woodland, Maine 04694 stcroixtrailriders@outlook.com
- Calais: Sunrise Trail Riders, 11 Church St., Calais, ME 04619
- Cherryfield: Narraguagus ATV Riders ATV Club, PO Box 453, 334 Ridge Rd., Cherryfield, ME 04622 narraguagustrailriders@gmail.com
- Cutler: East Stream ATV Riders, PO Box 361, Cutler, ME 04626
- Danforth: Grand Lakers ATV Club, PO Box 421, Danforth, ME 04424 GrandLakersATVClub@hotmail.com
- Dennysville: Dennysville Snowmobile & ATV Club, PO Box 45, 24 Milwaukee Rd., Dennysville, ME 04628 Dennysvillesnowatvclub@gmail.com
- East Machias: Down East Trail Riders, PO Box 658, East Machias, ME 04630
- Grand Lake Stream: Grand Lake Stream ATV Club, 15 Water St. Unit 2, Box 8, Grand Lake Stream, ME 04668 glsatvclub@gmail.com
- Hancock: Acadia Area ATV’ers, 3 Wyman Road, Hancock, ME 04640 AcadiaAreaATVers@gmail.com
- Lubec: Lubec ATV Club, Lubec, ME
- Machias: Machias Ridge Riders Trail Club, Machias, ME
- Robbinston: Robbinston ATV Club, PO Box 45, Robbinston, ME 04671 RBW_ATV@yahoo.com
Topsham, Wiscasset, Waldoboro, Camden, Belfast
- Bath: Over the Hill ATV Riders, PO Box 62, Bath, ME 04530 Atv-WestBath@outlook.com
- Bowdoin: Bowdoin Outdoor Explorers ATV Club, PO Box 221, Bowdoinham, ME 04008 Outdoorexplorers@hotmail.com
- Dixmont: Thorndike Trail Blazers ATV Club, 257 Stagecoach Road, Unity, ME 04988
- Knox: Frye Mountain Riders, 1149 Webb Rd., Knox, ME 04986 Fryemtnriders@gmail.com
- Palermo: Friends and Neighbors ATV Club, PO Box 163, 1579 RT 3 Palermo, ME 04240 info@friendsandneighborsatvclub.com
- Searsmont: Mid Coast ATV Club, PO Box 1, Searsmont, ME 04973 midcoastatv@gmail.com
- Thorndike: Thorndike Trail Blazers ATV Club, 257 Stagecoach Road, Unity, ME 04988
- Topsham: Topsham Trailriders ATV/Snowmobile Club, PO Box 421, Topsham, ME 04086 Info@Topshamtrailriders.com
- Unity: Thorndike Trail Blazers ATV Club, 257 Stagecoach Road, Unity, ME 04988
Belgrade, Skowhegan, Jackman, Bingham, The Forks, Augusta
- Anson: Madison-Anson ATV Club, PO Box 143, Madison, ME 04950 maatvclub@gmail.com
- Athens: Athens Valley Riders, PO Box 292, Athens, ME 04912
- Bingham: Moose Alley Riders ATV Club, PO Box 387, Bingham, ME 04920
- Cambridge: Cambridge Cruisers, Cambridge, ME macch@tds.net
- China: China Four Seasons Club, 570 Lakeview Dr., South China, ME 04358
- Fairfield: Central Maine ATV Club, 43 Norridgewock Road, Fairfield, Me 04937 cmatvclub@gmail.com
- Hartland: Somerset Ridge Runners ATV Club, Hartland, ME
- Jackman: Border Riders Sportsman Club, PO Box 413, Jackman, ME 04945, Clubhouse: 852 US 201, Dennistown, ME 04945 michelle@borderridersclub.com
- Madison: Madison-Anson ATV Club, PO Box 143, Madison, ME 04950 maatvclub@gmail.com
- Monmouth: Cochnewagan Trail Blazers, PO Box 153, Monmouth, ME 04259
- Norridgewock: Central Maine ATV Club, 43 Norridgewock Road, Fairfield, Me 04937 cmatvclub@gmail.com
- Norridgewock: Norridgewock Sportsmen Association, PO Box 115, Norridgewock, ME 04957 norridgewocksportsmenassociation@yahoo.com
- Oakland: Central Maine ATV Club, 43 Norridgewock Road, Fairfield, Me 04937 cmatvclub@gmail.com
- Oakland: Messalonskee Trail Riders ATV Club, 1348 Hinckley Road, Clinton, ME 04927 mtraclub@gmail.com
- Pittston Academy Grant: Pittston Farm Recreation Club, 53 Pittston Farm Rd., Rockwood, ME 04478 info@pittstonfarm.com
- The Forks: Lake Moxie ATV Riders, 82 Troutdale Road, The Forks, ME 04985
- Waterville: Central Maine ATV Club, 43 Norridgewock Road, Fairfield, Me 04937 cmatvclub@gmail.com
- West Forks: Coburn Mountain ATV Riders, PO Box 148, West Forks, ME 04985 coburnmtnatvriders@gmail.com
Rangeley, Farmington, Bethel, Sebago Lake Region, Carrabasset Valley, Lewiston, Auburn
- Buckfield: Pine Tree Trail Riders, PO Box 1182, Auburn, ME 04210
- Canton: Bear Mountain Riders, PO Box 146, Canton, ME 04221
- Canton: Canton Trail Riders ATV Club, PO Box 604, Canton, ME 04221
- Carrabassett Valley: Carrabassett Valley ATV Club, Valley Crossing #13, Carrabassett Valley, ME 04947 johnmccatherin@tds.net
- Chesterville: Chesterville Ridge Riders, PO Box 1144, Farmington, ME 04938
- Dallas Plt: Rangeley Region ATV Club, PO Box 430, Rangeley, ME 04970 customlandscape@myfairpoint.net
- Denmark: Denmark Draggers ATV Club, 470 Riverbend Rd., Brownfield, ME 04022 denmarkdraggers@gmail.com
- Dixfield: River Valley Riders ATV Club, P.O. Box 614, Dixfield, ME 04224
- Freeman: Mount Abram Trail Riders, Phillips, ME mountabramtrailriders@gmail.com
- Freeman TWP: Sandy River Riders ATV Club, PO Box 66, Strong, ME 04983 Facebook Page
- Hartford: Bear Mountain Riders, PO Box 146, Canton, ME 04221
- Kingfield: Mount Abram Trail Riders, Phillips, ME mountabramtrailriders@gmail.com
- Kingfield: Kingfield Quad Runners, PO Box 198, Kingfield, ME 04947 kingfieldquadrunners@gmail.com
- Lisbon: Riverside Trail Riders, PO Box 177, Lisbon, ME 04250 RiversideTrailriders@aol.com
- Lisbon Falls: Lisbon Hardcore Riders ATV Club, Lisbon Falls, ME
- Livermore: Narrow Gauge Riders ATV Club, PO Box J, Phillips, ME 04966 spring1_us@yahoo.com
- Livermore: Brettuns Wheelers ATV Club, PO Box 673, Livermore, ME 04253
- Lovell: Pulpit Rock Trail Blazah’s, Linda Mercer, PO Box 631, Bridgton, ME 04009
- Mechanic Falls: Bog Hooters ATV Club, PO Box 351, Mechanic Falls, ME 04256 boghootersatvclub@yahoo.com
- Mexico: Mexico ATV Riders, Mexico, ME
- Minot: Minot ATV Club, 1299 Woodman Hill Rd., Minot, ME, 04258 minotatvclub@yahoo.com
- New Vineyard: Sandy River Riders ATV Club, PO Box 66, Strong, ME 04983 Facebook Page
- Norway: Oxford Hills ATV Trail Blazers, 85 Rye Knoll Drive, Norway, ME 04268 oxford.hills.atv@gmail.com
- Oquossoc: Oquossoc ATV Club, PO Box 320, Oquossoc, ME 04964 oquossocatv@gmail.com
- Otisfield: Otisfield Trail Blazers, 271 Ahonen Rd., East Otisfield, ME 04270
- Oxford: Oxford Hills ATV Trail Blazers, 723 Greenwood Rd., Norway, ME 04268 oxford.hills.atv@gmail.com
- Oxford: Oxford Trail Ryders ATV Club, PO Box 354, Oxford, ME 04270 oxfordtrailryders@gmail.com
- Parsonsfield: Land Share Riders ATV Club, PO Box 404, Parsonsfield, ME 04047 LandShareRiders207@gmail.com
- Peru: Peru ATV Club, Peru, ME
- Phillips: Mount Abram Trail Riders, Phillips, ME mountabramtrailriders@gmail.com
- Phillips: Narrow Gauge Riders ATV Club, PO Box J, Phillips, ME 04966 spring1_us@yahoo.com
- Plymouth: Endless Season Riders ATV Club, PO Box 56, Plymouth, ME 04969
- Porter: Land Share Riders ATV Club, PO Box 404, Parsonsfield, ME 04047 LandShareRiders207@gmail.com
- Rangeley: Mount Abram Trail Riders, Phillips, ME mountabramtrailriders@gmail.com
- Rangeley: Rangeley Region ATV Club, PO Box 430, Rangeley, ME 04970 customlandscape@myfairpoint.net
- Roxbury: Roxbury ATV Riders Club, PO Box 82, 1881 Roxbury Rd., Roxbury, ME 04275 roxburyriders@gmail.com
- Rumford: Rumford Riders ATV Club, 986 Prospect Ave., Rumford, ME 04276
- Salem: Mount Abram Trail Riders, Phillips, ME mountabramtrailriders@gmail.com
- Skowhegan: Skowhegan Stumpjumpers ATV Club, Skowhegan, ME swg2318@gmail.com
- South Paris: Oxford Trail Ryders ATV Club, PO Box 354, Oxford, ME 04270 oxfordtrailryders@gmail.com
- Stoneham: Pulpit Rock Trail Blazah’s, Linda Mercer, PO Box 631, Bridgton, ME 04009
- Stratton: Flagstaff Area ATV Club, PO Box 553, Stratton, ME 04982
- Strong: Mount Abram Trail Riders, Phillips, ME mountabramtrailriders@gmail.com
- Strong: Sandy River Riders ATV Club, PO Box 66, Strong, ME 04983 Facebook Page
- Sumner: Foothills Riders ATV Club, West Sumner, ME atv4002004@yahoo.com
- Sweden: Pulpit Rock Trail Blazah’s, Linda Mercer, PO Box 631, Bridgton, ME 04009
- Temple: Temple Trail Riders, PO Box 494, Temple, ME 04984
- Turner: Turner Timberland ATV Club, PO Box 142, Turner, ME 04282 turneratvclub@gmail.com
- Upton: Letter B Notch Riders, Upton, ME
- Waterford: Pulpit Rock Trail Blazah’s, Linda Mercer, PO Box 631, Bridgton, ME 04009
- West Paris: Trap Corner Ridge Riders, 62 Morse Hill Rd, West Paris, ME 04289 wptrapcornerridgeriders@gmail.com
- Wilton: Western Maine ATV Club, PO Box 132, Wilton, ME 04294 kdalot@roadrunner.com
- Woodstock: Woodstock ATV Riders, Woodstock, ME Woodstockatvriders@gmail.com
Brunswick, Freeport, Portland, Gorham, Kittery, Sanford
- Baldwin: Saco River Riders, PO Box 233, Buxton, ME 04093 contact@sacoriverriders.com
- Berwick: Southern Maine ATV Club, PO Box 250, Lebanon, ME 04027
- Buxton: Saco River Riders, PO Box 233, Buxton, ME 04093 contact@sacoriverriders.com
- Casco: Lakes Region ATV Club, 56 Libby Rd., Casco, ME 04015 lakesregionatvclub@gmail.com
- Dayton: Massabesic ATV Club, PO Box 436, East Waterboro, ME 04030-0436
- Gorham: Saco River Riders, PO Box 233, Buxton, ME 04093 contact@sacoriverriders.com
- Hollis: Hollis Freewheelers, 81 Plains Rd., North Hollis, ME 04042 hollisatvclub@gmail.com
- Lebanon: Southern Maine ATV Club, PO Box 250, Lebanon, ME 04027
- Limington: Limington Wheelers ATV Club, PO Box 155, Limington, ME 04049
- Lyman: Massabesic ATV Club, PO Box 436, East Waterboro, ME 04030-0436
- Sanford: Sanford Maine ATV Club, Sanford, ME sanfordmaineatv@gmail.com
- Standish: Saco River Riders, PO Box 233, Buxton, ME 04093 contact@sacoriverriders.com
- Waterboro: Ossipee Mountain ATV Club, PO Box 22, East Waterboro, ME 04030 Clubhouse: 273 Old Alfred Rd., Waterboro Info@OMATVERS.net