Watch The Fastest Boats Race on the Maine Coast!
Mark your calendar for the 2020 Maine Lobster Boat Races! Come be a part of one of the most unique and entertaining events in the state of Maine! Lobster boats go bow-to-bow for points, cash and prizes in these exciting and highly competitive yearly races.
Many towns host additional events during the races. Moosabec Reach is having a 4th of July celebration during the lobster boat races this year. Winter Harbor is holding its annual Lobster Festival including a parade, craft fair, lobster dinners and more. Pemaquid is also celebrating Olde Bristol Days during the lobster boat races this year, with both the best viewing location and the celebration going on at the Old Fort Grounds at Colonial Pemaquid. Events include a parade, food, vendors, music, and fireworks.
2020 Maine Lobster Boat Races Schedule
20 (Saturday) – Boothbay Harbor Lobster Boat Races
21 (Sunday) – Rockland Lobster Boat Races
28 (Sunday) – Bass Harbor Pier Lobster Boat Races
4 (Saturday) – Jonesport-Beals (Moosabec Reach) Lobster Boat Races
12 (Sunday) – Stonington Lobster Boat Races
19 (Sunday) – Friendship Lobster Boat Races
26 (Sunday) – Harpswell Lobster Boat Races
8 (Saturday) – Winter Harbor Lobster Boat Races
15 (Saturday)- Long Island Lobster Boat Races
16 (Sunday) – MS Harborfest (Portland) Lobster Boat Races
16 (Sunday) – Merritt Brackett (Pemaquid) Lobster Boat Races
17 (Saturday) – Awards Banquet, Robinson’s Wharf & Tugs Pub, Southport
Information about Maine’s Lobster Boat Race Locations
Boothbay Harbor Lobster Boat Races, Saturday, June 20, 2020
Points race, Lobster Boat Races start at 10 am, sign up begins at 8 am. Races are best viewed by boat. Boothbay Harbor is one of the best anchorages on the coast of Maine. The harbor is spacious and sheltered with good holding ground. The town has two public docks with dingy/dory/skiff floats and three launching ramps. Access through Brown’s Wharf or the co-op. Awards held on the barge at the finish line.
Harbor Master
Nicholas Upham 207-380-5635
Assistant Harbor Master
Frederick Farnham
VHF Channels 9 and 16
For more information about the Boothbay Harbor Lobster Boat Races contact Ashlee Lowrey at 207-808-9230
Rockland Lobster Boat Races, Sunday, June 21, 2020
Points race, Lobster Boat Races start at 10 am. Head out to the Rockland Breakwater for the best view by land. Keep in mind parking may be a challenge since this is a very popular race! Rockland harbor offers excellent holding. There are two main anchorages, in the northern and southern parts of the harbor. The northern anchorage is behind the breakwater and gives you protection from the easterly chop. Small craft anchorage in the western part of the harbor is close to amenities. Depths of 6 to 15 feet along the public landing float. Access from O’Hara’s North facility (ramp). Awards held at O’Hara’s North.
Harbor Master
Matthew Ripley 207-594-0312
Assistant Harbor Master
Mark Tibbetts 207-594-0312
For more information about the Rockland Lobster Boat Races contact Nick O’Hara at 207-542-4348 or Mike Mayo at 207-542-1879
Bass Harbor Lobster Boat Races, Sunday, June 28, 2020
Lobster Boat Races start at 10 am and is best viewed by boat. Three anchorages are in the inner harbor. Several marinas are in the area as well. Access through the fisherman’s pier but space is limited so bring a skiff and an anchor. There is open lobster floats to tie up to in the harbor. Awards are held at the Fisherman’s Pier followed by a blessing of the fleet.
Harbor Master
Justin Seavey 207-244-4564
For more information about the Bass Harbor Lobster Boat Races contact Wayne Rich at 207-244-9623
Jonesport-Beals (Moosabec Reach) Lobster Boat Races, Saturday, July 4, 2020
Points race, Lobster Boat Races start at 10 am. Head over to the Beals Island Bridge to watch the races from land. Stay for a few days and enjoy the town’s 4th of July celebration. An 8-foot anchorage is available in Sawyer Cove. Access from the town dock behind the breakwater in Jonesport and the co-op near the bridge. Bring an anchor and skiff to go ashore after the races. Awards are held at the Coast Guard Station located to the north of Moosabec Reach. The town launch ramp, pier, and float are located on the west side of Sawyer Cove. A wharf is available at the northeastern part of Beals Island.
Harbor Master
Russell Batson 207-497-5926
For more information about the Moosabec Reach Lobster Boat Races contact Jay Mills at 207-598-6347
Stonington Lobster Boat Races, Sunday, July 12, 2020
Points race, Lobster Boat Races start at 10 am, sign up starts at 7 on the Fish Pier. Races are best viewed by boat, contact Isle au Haut Boat Services for race day charters 207-367-6516. The town has a pancake breakfast before the races and offers crabmeat rolls in the Odd Fellows Hall after the races. Most wharves along the waterfront are used by commercial boats. Berthage is very limited in Stonington- most vessels anchor or moor off Staple Point. Bring a GOOD anchor and watch out for traps when you set it. Mooring permits can be obtained from town selectmen. The access point is right in town at Colwell’s behind the Isle au Haut Ferry Terminal and Mailboat wharf. It is accessible at almost every tide and has some trailer parking, with additional trailer parking at the ball field across from the Island Community Center. From Route 15 take Granite Street to Bayview Avenue- you won’t make the corner if you take Seabreeze! Fuel and overnight docking are available at Billings Diesel & Marine Service. Awards are at the fishermen’s pier after the races.
Harbor Master
Raelene Pert 207-367-5891 (office) 207-266-4327
Assistant Harbor Master
Dana Webb
VHF Channel 10
For more information about the Stonington Lobster Boat Races contact Genevieve McDonald at 207-266-5113 or Cory McDonald at 207-664-4525
Friendship Lobster Boat Races, Sunday, July 19, 2020
Points race, Lobster Boat Races start at 10 am. Part of Muscongus Bay, this harbor offers good anchorage in 21 to 28 feet of water. Bring an anchor or tie up to a free lobster float. Jameson Point on the north side of the harbor has many wharves and piers with float landings. The town wharf is located to the north, and it is advised to approach with caution as the wharf has a reported depth of 2 feet alongside. Access is limited- there is a ramp but it’s known as “the ramp from HELL.” Awards are given after each class, vessels stop by the judge’s float and pick up their prize.
Harbor Master
Jim Bolen 207-975-7107 or 207-832-6689
For more information about the Friendship Lobster Boat Races contact Robin Reed at 207-975-9821
Harpswell Lobster Boat Races, Sunday, July 26, 2020
Points race, Lobster boat races take place in Potts Harbor starting at 10 am. The races are best watched by water and will feature 31 race classes with a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finish. All race proceeds will be donated to The Harpswell Santa Fund. Bring that GOOD anchor again, mostly sand bottom. Access is through Dolphin Marina, there is a charge to use the ramp. Dockage space is available the night before and was $20/foot a few years ago. Awards are held after each class, just stop by the judge’s float at the end of the race to pick up your award.
Harbor Master
Paul Plummer 207-833-5771 ext:106 Cell: 207-653-9916
For more information about the Harpswell Lobster Boat Races contact Kristina York at 207-449-7571 or email
Winter Harbor Lobster Boat Races, Saturday, August 8, 2020
Points race, Lobster Boat Races take place in Henry Cove at 10 am and are best viewed by boat. This harbor is often used as a refuge and is secure in all weather. The inner part of the harbor, northeastward of Sand Cove, has an anchorage and depths of around 8 feet. The town has a pier and float landing. The Annual Winter Harbor Lobster Festival takes place during the Lobster Boat Races. The festival has a blueberry pancake breakfast at the Masonic Hall from 6-10 am, lobster dinner from 11 am – 3 pm (obviously!), a craft fair, road race, parade and more. Access is through the commercial doc, and a ramp is on the other side of the harbor. Awards are at the commercial dock after the races.
Harbor Master
Fred Backman 207-812-1264
For more information about the Winter Harbor Lobster Boat Races contact Chris Byers at 207-963-7139
Long Island Lobster Boat Races, Saturday, August 15, 2020
Points race, Lobster Boat Races start at 10 am and are best viewed by boat. Two landings are on Long Island- Ponces Landing and Cleaves Landing. Dockage is limited. Mariners Wharf is where the Casco Bay ferry from Portland docks. It’s best to stay in Portland the night before and steam up in the morning if you’re traveling by boat.
Harbor Master
John Wallace 207-766-5820
For more information about the Long Harbor Lobster Boat Races contact Lisa Kimball at 207-332-3968 or Amy Tierney at 207-317-1576
Portland Lobster Boat Races, Sunday, August 16, 2020
Points race, Lobster Boat Races start at 10 am. The best view of the races from land is from Fort Allen Park or on the Eastern Promenade (Prom). Diamond Island Roads is the main deepwater anchorage in the outer harbor, at 40 to 45 feet. The 30-Foot Anchorage eastward of Fish Point has depths of 25-30 feet. Diamond Cove, at the northeast end of Diamond Island, has excellent anchorage with depths around 18 feet. Races are part of the MS Harborfest Weekend. There will be lots of sailboats around from the MS Regatta the day before, and there is a tugboat muster after the lobster boat races. Access is through Portland Yacht Services ramp.
Harbor Master
Kevin Battle 207-831-6962 or 207-772-8121
Deputy Harbor Masters
Lance Hanna 207-468-2878
Charles Baird 207-671-5338
Assistant Harbor Masters
Julie Mulkern 207-772-8121
Jason Battle 207-772-8121
VHF Channel: 16
For more information about the Portland Lobster Boat Races contact Katie Werner at 207-807-1832
Pemaquid (Bristol) Merritt Brackett Lobster Boat Races, Sunday, August 16, 2020
Non-points race, Lobster Boat Races start at 10:30 am, best view from the top of the Fort William Henry tower in Colonial Pemaquid State Historic Site, or by the shore next to the fort. There are many fish and lobster wharves in the harbor. Two service wharves with float landings are on the north side of the harbor. Bring your anchor again, and a skiff. Access is through the ramp at the end of Colonial Pemaquid, I recommend you don’t put your boat in at low tide. It’s a very gradual slope. Dock space is limited so it’s best to take your skiff in after the race. Pemaquid has different boat classifications so you have the chance to go up against someone different. Awards are held at The Contented Sole restaurant right near the boat launch in the park. Olde Bristol Days go on at the same time right at Colonial Pemaquid with a small fair, parade, food, and fireworks the night before the lobster boat races.
Harbor Master
Steve Hope 207-563-8001 or 207-677-2091
For more information about the Pemaquid Lobster Boat Races contact Brent Fogg at 207-380-4909 or Sheila McLain at 207-677-2100
Watch Maine Lobster Boat Races in Action:

Rockland races are rescheduled to June 27th.