Mark your calendar for Maine’s upcoming ice fishing derbies!
December 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016
Sponsor: Wes Ashe
Contact: Wes Ashe
60 Fern Street, Apt. 2, Bangor 207-522-0834
email: icefishderby@gmail.com
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: All legal waters statewide
Weigh-In: All fish entries must be submitted online.
Total Cash Prize Amount: Half of entry fees.
January 16, 2016
Sponsor: Weld Bicentennial Committee
Contact: Sean Minear
PO Box 87, Weld 207-585-2348
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Webb (Weld) Lake, Weld
Weigh-In: Head of the lake area
Total Cash Prize Amount: $60 +/-
January 16 & 17, 2016
Sponsor: Border Riders Sportsman Club
Contact: Raymond Levesque
464 Main Street, Jackman 207-668-3411
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Big Wood Pond, Jackman
Weigh-In: Bishop’s Store, Jackman
Total Cash Prize Amount: $1,000 +/-
January 16 & 17, 2016
Sponsor: Dexter Fish & Game Association
Contact: Peter Nicholas
253 N. Dexter Road, Dexter 207-924-5082
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Wassookeag Lake, Dexter
Weigh-In: Lake Shore Lunch, Dexter
Total Cash Prize Amount: $1,775
January 17, 2016
Sponsor: Gardiner area High School
Contact: Justin Cartonio
10 Moss Drive, Gardiner 207-213-8677
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Pleasant Pond, Litchfield
Weigh-In: Ice next to Thorofare Road
Total Cash Prize Amount: $60
January 23, 2016
Sponsor: 6th Annual House in the Woods
Contact: Judy Manzo
9 Dow Pines Road, Great Pond 207-584-2000
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Great Pond, Great Pond
Weigh-In: Great Pond Outdoor Recreation Center
Total Cash Prize Amount: To be announced

January 23, 2016
Sponsor: Big Brothers & Big Sisters
Contact: Peter Malia
25 Emery Road, Standish 207-831-3694
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Pequawket Lake, Limington
Weigh-In: Camp Moy Mo Da Yo
Total Cash Prize Amount: $2,500
January 23, 2016
Sponsor: Sebasticook Valley Chamber of Commerce
Contact: Kyle Wentworth
PO Box 464, Newport 207-756-5469
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Moose Pond, Hartland; Indian Pond, St. Albans;
Wassookeag Lake, Dexter
Weigh-In: To be announced
Total Cash Prize Amount: To be announced
January 23, 2016
Sponsor: Conners Emerson 8th Grade
Contact: Kim Frazier & Peter Alley
11 Eagle Lake Road, Bar Harbor 207-288-5708, ext. 1074
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: All legal waters in Hancock County
Weigh-In: Conners Emerson School Gym
Total Cash Prize Amount: $4,500
January 24, 2016
Sponsor: Springvale Fish & Game Club
Contact: Scott Davis
50 Schuler Street, Sanford 207-502-0520
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: All legal waters in York County
Weigh-In: Mousam Lake – Ham’s Cove
Total Cash Prize Amount: $3,000
January 29 – 31, 2016
Sponsor: The NREC at Moosehead
Contact: Suzannah Sinclair
PO Box 1329, Greenville 207-280-0782
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Moosehead Lake, Greenville
Weigh-In: Greenville and Rockwood
Total Cash Prize Amount: $2,500

January 30, 2015
Sponsor: Denmark Rod & Gun Club
Contact: John Wiesemann
507 Denmark Road, Denmark 207-890-6923
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Hancock Pond, Sand Pond, Moose Pond, Pleasant Pond, Granger Pond, and Beaver Pond, all in Denmark
Weigh-In: Denmark Town Hall
Total Cash Prize Amount: $2,000
January 30 & 31, 2016
Sponsor: G & M Family Market
Contact: Greg Hawes
PO Box 1221, Holden 207-843-6422
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: All legal waters in Hancock County
Weigh-In: G & M Family Market
Total Cash Prize Amount: $5,000
January 30 & 31, 2016
Derby for Brook Trout, Lake Trout (Togue), Landlocked Salmon, Muskellunge, and Perch
Sponsor: Black Bear Rod & Gun Club
Contact: Paul Bernier
357 US Route 1, Frenchville 207-543-6332
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Long Lake – St. Agatha, Madawaska, T17R4 WELS, Sinclair, T17R3 WELS
Eagle Lake & St. Froid Lake – Eagle Lake, Wallagrass, Winterville Plt.
Square Lake & Cross Lake – T16R5 WELS, T15R5 WELS, T17R5 WELS
Glazier Lake – T16R5 WELS, T15R5 WELS T17R5 WELS
Beau Lake – T19R11 WELS, Big Twenty Twp.
St. John River – St. Francis fro the confluense with the St. Francis River downstream to the U.S./Canada boundary in Hamlin
Portage Lake – Portage Lake
Carr Pond – T13R8 WELS
Weigh-In: Long Lake Sporting Club, Sinclair
Total Cash Prize Amount: $15,000
February 6, 2016
Sponsor: Sheepscot Lake Fish & Game
Contact: Rodney Glidden
1392 Route 3, Palermo 207-993-2625
Bodies of Water(s)/Town:
All legal waters – statewide
Weigh-In: Sheepscot Lake Fish & Game Club House
Total Cash Prize Amount: $600
February 6, 2016
Sponsor: Royal River Rod & Gun Club
Contact: Sandra Peterson
PO Box 1086, Gray 207-318-1668
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Sabbathday Lake, New Gloucester
Weigh-In: Old Sabbathday Lake Grange Hall
Total Cash Prize Amount: $900
February 6, 2016
Sponsor: Twin County Wheelers
Contact: Mollile Straub
202 South Molunkus Road, Molunkus Twp. 207-619-0025
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Molunkus Lake, Molunkus Twp.
Weigh-In: Boat landing
Total Cash Prize Amount: $500
February 6, 2016
Sponsor: Goodwins Mills Fire Fighters
Contact: Phil Daniels
231 South Waterboro Road, Lyman 207-206-0164
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Kennebunk Pond, Lyman
Weigh-In: Kennebunk Pond Boat Launch
Total Cash Prize Amount: $500
February 7, 2016
Sponsor: Oakland Recreation Department
Contact: Eric Seekins
PO Box 187, Oakland 207-465-7357
Bodies of Water(s)/Town:
Messalonskee Lake, Belgrade
Salmon Lake, Belgrade
McGrath Pond, Oakland
North Pond, Smithfield
Great Pond, Belgrade
East Pond, Smithfield
Long Pond, Rome
Weigh-In: Atwood Elementary School, Heath Street, Oakland
Total Cash Prize Amount: $200 +/-
February 7, 2016
Sponsor: American Legion Post 55
Contact: Michael Ward
15 Cottage Road, Limerick 207-608-5837
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Holland (Sokosis) Pond, Limerick
Weigh-In: Boat Launch, Route 11
Total Cash Prize Amount: 50% of entry fees received
February 13, 2016
Sponsor: Wilton Fish and Game Association
Contact: Jeffrey Rowe
14 Ranger Street, Wilton 207-670-6978
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Wilson Pond, Wilton
Weigh-In: Boat Launch
Total Cash Prize Amount: $1,500 +/-
February 13, 2016
Sponsor: Albion Lions Club
Contact: Vite Vitale
PO Box 25, Albion 207-592-1870
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Lovejoy Pond, Albion
Weigh-In: Marden Shore Road
Total Cash Prize Amount: $800
February 13, 2016
Sponsor: 18th Annual Howard Lodge
Contact: Terry White
45 Amasa Place, Stetson 207-296-2929
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Pleasant Lake, Stetson
Weigh-In: Terry White’s Camp, 45 Amasa Place, off LaPoint Road onto Herb’s Lane at northeast corner of Pleasant Lake
Total Cash Prize Amount: $750
February 13 & 14, 2016
Sponsor: Maineiac Charities Ice Fishing Derby
Contact: Jason Clark
21 Lake Road, Levant 207-949-4431
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: All legal waters in Hancock County
Weigh-In: Dunn’s Aviation Hanger, Beech Hill Pond, Otis
Total Cash Prize Amount: $1,200
February 13 & 14, 2016
Sponsor: Hartland Volunteer Department
Contact: Tim Kuespert
566 Athens Road, Hartland 207-341-1573
Bodies of Water(s)/Town:
Moose Pond, Hartland
Merrill Pond, Hartland
Big Indian Pond, St. Albans
Weigh-In: Hartland Fire Department
Total Cash Prize Amount: $860
February 13 & 14, 2016
Sponsor:Aurora Volunteer Fire Department
Contact: Joe Lacerda
899 Great Pond Road, Aurora 207-592-3502
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Great Pond, Great Pond
Weigh-In: Dow Pines Recreation Hall
Total Cash Prize Amount: $225
February 13 & 14, 2016
Sponsor: Slim’s Fishing Derby
Contact: Jesse Larrabee
230 Eggemoggin Road, Deer Isle 207-348-6761
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: All legal waters in Hanock County
Weigh-In: Toddy Pond Public Landing
Total Cash Prize Amount: $2,500
February 14, 2016
Sponsor: Maine Children’s Cancer Program
Contact: Larry Young
613 Main Street, Springvale 207-324-9778
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Square Pond, Acton
Weigh-In: West Shore Drive
Total Cash Prize Amount: $4,000
February 14, 2016
Snow Date – February 20, 2016
Sponsor: American Legion Post 55
Contact: Michael Ward
15 Cottage Road, Limerick 207-608-5837
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Little Ossipee Lake, Waterboro
Weigh-In: Boat Launch, Route 5
Total Cash Prize Amount: $3,000
February 20, 2016
Sponsor: Nate & Logan Senior Project
Contact: Nathaniel Webster
75 Hebron Road, South Paris 207-890-5884
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Norway Lake, Norway
Weigh-In: Norway Lake boat launch
Total Cash Prize Amount: $25
February 20, 2016
Sponsor: Anson Fireman’s Association
Contact: Jeremy Manzer
PO Box 112, Anson 207-431-2243
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Embden Pond, Embden
Weigh-In: Public boat launch
Total Cash Prize Amount: $5,900
February 20, 2016
Sponsor: Boy Scout Troop 875
Contact: Beth Brown-Matia
35 Emery Road, Standish 207-523-0821
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Watchic Pond, Standish
Weigh-In: Kiwanis Beach
Total Cash Prize Amount: Approximately $1,500
February 20, 2016
For Kids 12 and Under Only
Sponsor: Jack Trap Youth Ice Fishing Derby
Contact: Shawn Norton
151 Ridge Road, Monmouth 207-933-9499
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Cochnewagon Pond, Monmouth
Weigh-In: On the lake
Total Cash Prize Amount: No Cash Award
February 20 & 21, 2016
Sponsor: Great Moose Lake Association
Contact: Randy Lary
354 Beans Corner Road, Pittsfield 207-341-2905
Bodies of Water(s)/Town:
Moose Pond, Hartland
Big Indian Pond, St. Albans
Morrill Pond, Hartland
Weigh-In: Irving Community Center
Total Cash Prize Amount: $800
February 27, 2016
Sponsor: Cape Cod Hill School
Contact: James Prescott
739 Starks Road, New Sharon 207-778-0464
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Crowell Pond, Chesterville
Weigh-In: On the ice
Total Cash Prize Amount: To be announced.
February 28, 2016
Sponsor: Spectrum Generations
Contact: Nick Cloutier
One Weston Court, Ste. 203, Augusta 207-692-7921
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: All legal waters statewide
Weigh-In: 38 Gold Street in Waterville
Total Cash Prize Amount: To be announced
March 5 & 6, 2016
Sponsor: Fryeburg Recreation
Contact: Colin Micklon
219 Christian Hill Road, Lovell 207-925-1075
Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Kezar Lake, Lovell
Weigh-In: Buddy Carrier’s (Lower Bay)
Total Cash Prize Amount: $1,000 +/-