Blandings Park Wildlife Sanctuary

Photo credit: Blandings Park Wildlife Sanctuary.

ABOUT Blandings Park Wildlife Sanctuary

“This Sanctuary is organized as a grassroots 501 (c) 3 public benefit land trust to carry out the goals of conservation, habitat enhancement, land management, and responsible stewardship for the benefit of the general public, various species of plant and wildlife (among those being the endangered Blanding’s Turtle) and their surrounding habitat. It will be our mission to conserve, protect, and educate the general public to the value of the land and water resources, plant and animal life, and the natural terrain, for the ecological, educational, esthetic, historic, recreational and scenic value therein.” 


Our focus area is defined as an area of significant wildlife habitat rich in vernal pools and home to the endangered Blanding’s turtle and threatened spotted turtle and is bounded by Pool, Granite, West Sts. & Guinea Rd.


Blanding’s Park Wildlife Sanctuary Trail Map


113 Old Pool Road
Biddeford ME 04005
Phone: 207-590-3347

Visit Blandings Park Wildlife Sanctuary website