Canoeing the Moose River Loop | Bow Trip: Day 3, Part Two

Our Day 3 adventure on the Moose River Loop | Bow Trip continues! MOSQUITO RIPS CAN BITE Mosquito Rips (pictured above) will forever remain in our minds as a great idea gone terribly wrong.  We came upon the rips- a short, quick drop no longer than a full-size truck that seems innocent enough.  We pulled …

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Canoeing the Moose River Loop | Bow Trip: Day 3, Part One

Off to an early start The sunrise painted brilliant colors across the pond and clouds that next morning.  The two previous days had shown us that getting off to an early start was very important on both Attean and Holeb Ponds.  We decided to get up around 5 a.m. before the wind picked up (along …

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Canoeing the Moose River Loop | Bow Trip: Day 2

Late again We had all good intentions of waking up super early the following morning and setting out at 5 a.m.  Unfortunately, due to our Jackman nightlife adventures the night before, we didn’t.  Instead, we were up at 8 and reached Attean Pond by 9:34.  While unpacking the truck and loading up the canoe we met Karl, …

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Black Friday in Maine? Go Outside and Play!

Height of Land.

If you’re like me, the thought of battling crowds of sale shoppers on Black Friday sends chills down your spine.  It certainly isn’t my idea of “a good time.”  I would rather be outside breathing fresh air, taking in the view and enjoying some peace and quiet.  Maine is the perfect place for all of that, especially after tourist season.  Here are some ideas of places to go across the state to

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Canoeing the Moose River Loop | Bow Trip, Jackman, Maine. Day 1

Preparation for the AWW Henry and I love adventure.  Henry is a seasoned canoeist, although out of practice by about 25 years, and I am as green as they get.  Before our trip to Jackman to paddle the Moose River Loop/Bow Trip, I had been in a canoe about twice.  That’s a rough guess.  We came …

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